Founded in 1962 in Leffe, territory known worldwide for his vocation for thetextile tradition. Even today, the production is made in the same factory where our business was born and grew up. Despite fifty years our industry has changed radically, Manifattura Lombarda has always pursued the philosophy of the real Made in Italy which means, above all,products of quality and laws compliance. We can say that this choice was revelead right and successful and more appreciated by our customers.
The quality of the REAL Made in Italy
Manifattura Lombarda since the early sixty years, produces in its ItalianFactory a large collection of blankets, plaids and carpets made of Pure Wool, Cashmere and other precious fibers. The experience and the usage of costantly updated installations allow satisy any product exigency.
Tradition is what is left of the good things we have been able to do in our work, is an invaluable asset.
For over fifty years we have been pursuing the way we work improving and trying to pass it on to future generations because they can join it and keep it alive.
Manifattura Lombarda today as fifty years ago relies on its know-how, full of “half a century” of experiences.
Most of the raw materials we use have a 100% natural origin. The Woolmark is in fact the most ECOLOGICAL fiber because is obtained from the shearing of sheep (or goat in the case of Kashmir) living free in an uncontaminated and not chemically treated. Our philosophy is thatthe selection of suppliers, is based on stricts internal protocols and continuous tests on quality control. The origin of the raw materials is certified with the countries of origin and, according to the various types, they are mainly: New Zealand, Australia and Mongolia.

Here are the principal fiber we use in our production.
Italy is known worldwide as the home of design, with an innate taste for beauty that comes from a long history of artists and innovators. The Design Office of the Manifattura Lombarda, by incorporating those quirks, offers collections that reflect the Italian style and the real Made in Italy. Furthermore, our technical knowledge also allows us to realize tailor-made products with styles and designs specific from the customer.

The quality control of our products is one of the key stages in the production process. for this reason we have set up a series of activities aimed at monitoring and constant control of each production step. Through proven computerized systems and with the help of expert staff we are able to control every single centimeter of fabric made. All this serves to give you the assurance of a product always at the top of the range and worthy of the Made in Italy brand.

Our production includes a wide range of items that can be broadly grouped into the following categories:

Quilts in Natural Fiber, Merino Wool and Cachemire

Plaid in Cotton, Microfiber e Sintetic Tissue

Bedcovers in any shape for every kind of taste

Carpets for Bedrooms, Livingrooms, Ambient and Bathrooms

Fireproof Products
Certified fireproofing products
Natural fibers represent the 40% of the fibers used in the world, while 60% are from man-made fibers.

The natural fiber cotton is the most prevalent of which are produced annually about 25 million tons. Main producing countries are China, the United States, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Brazil. Cotton is highly prevalent in Africa (Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad) and is a source of survival for entire regions. The annual production of wool is just over 2 million tons, and the areas most affected by this type of economy are Australia, China, New Zealand, Iran, Argentina and the United Kingdom. Interesting attempts to develop farms and reconstruction of a production chain of native wool products are being tested also in Italy as an attempt to enhance a material that is otherwise intended for disposal in landfills. Other fibers important for the economy of producing countries are jute (the concentrated largely in India and Bangladesh), sisal, hemp, coir, linen, silk..
Cashmere wool, or cashmere or Kashmir, is produced by goats originating in the same Asian region, this breed has developed naturally this precious fiber to protect themselves from the harsh winter of pristine areas in which they live in freedom. This yarn, the value of which is second only to the even thin wool vicuna, is a unique quality and of inestimable value thanks to its extreme softness, lightness and extraordinary ability to protect in the same way from the cold and hot.

The merino wool is the fiber that is obtained from merino sheep.
This type of wool is particularly sought after because of its fineness, depending on the fact that the hair of a merino sheep is thinner than the hair of a sheep common. Generally, a hair with a diameter of 20 microns or less comes from a merino sheep.
This particular characteristic, added to the other common qualities of wool, make it a very valuable fiber, ideal for certain packages of clothing, especially men’s clothes. A dress of merino wool is in fact resistant to wear and fold like a wool suit common, but unlike this, being lighter, it can also be worn in the warmer seasons.
The fabric said familiarly cool wool or “wool four seasons” is generally made with merino wool.
Australian wool is assembled in bales and sold in traditional public auction, attended by buyers from around the world. Bales best, that is, with the finest wool, are traditionally bought by Italian wool mills
We work and we you a series of articles fireproof or fire retardant, certified according to applicable regulations and based on all pre safety requirements. Our articles are fireproof tested by competent institutions and on request we can produce and certifying the class of the respective items.
Our Headquarters

Via Costi, 5 – 24026 Leffe (BG) Italy
Phone: + 39.035.731523
Fax: + 39.035.734220
Email: info@manifatturalombarda.it
Web: manifatturalombarda.it